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Do’s and Don’ts After a Hair Transplant Surgery

Are you wondering how to get the best results after your hair transplant? While the surgery is crucial, what you do in the days and weeks after can make all the difference. Proper post-surgery care plays a major role in ensuring that your transplanted hair growth strong and healthy, helping you achieve the results you desire.

Immediate Care: The First 24-48 Hours

The first couple of days after your hair transplant surgery are crucial. This is the period when you need to be the most cautious to help your scalp heal properly.

What you should do:

  • Rest properly and avoid touching the transplanted area. Your scalp will be sensitive, and touching it unnecessarily can disturb the healing process or even dislodge newly transplanted hair.
  • Keep your head elevated while sleeping. This reduces swelling and promotes better blood circulation around your scalp.
  • Take your medications as prescribed by your surgeon. Painkillers and anti-inflammatory medications can help manage discomfort and swelling.
  • Use a gentle saline spray. Your surgeon may recommend a saline spray to keep the scalp hydrated and free from infection.

What you shouldn’t do:

  • Avoid washing your hair in the first 24-48 hours. Washing too early can interfere with the healing process.
  • Don’t engage in physical activity, especially strenuous exercises. Overexertion can increase blood pressure and cause bleeding at the surgery site.
  • Refrain from drinking alcohol or smoking. Both can slow down the healing process and affect blood flow, which is vital for hair growth.

Hair Washing Guidelines

Washing your hair properly is important for preventing infections and ensuring good results from your transplant. But it has to be done the right way.


  • Wash your hair gently after the third day. Use the shampoo prescribed by your doctor, as it will be gentle enough for your healing scalp.
  • Use lukewarm water. It is less likely to irritate your scalp and helps avoid unnecessary damage to the newly implanted follicles.
  • Pat your hair dry with a soft towel. Gently pat dry instead of rubbing, to protect the grafts from being dislodged.


  • Avoid using strong water pressure. Direct shower streams can harm the transplanted area. It’s better to use a cup to pour water gently over your head.
  • Don’t rub or scratch your scalp. Even if it feels itchy or irritated, resist the urge to touch the area. Scratching can damage the delicate grafts.

Dealing With Swelling and Discomfort

Some swelling and discomfort are normal after a hair transplant. But with proper care, you can manage this effectively.


  • Apply cold compresses around the forehead and eyes. This helps to reduce swelling but be sure not to apply directly on the transplanted area.
  • Continue taking anti-inflammatory medications. These will keep the swelling and pain under control.


  • Don’t apply ice directly on the transplanted area. It can cause harm to the fragile hair grafts.
  • Avoid over-the-counter painkillers unless advised by your doctor. Some medications, such as aspirin, can thin your blood and increase bleeding risk.

Physical Activity and Exercise

Staying active is important for health, but you must be careful about when and how you resume physical activities after your transplant.


  • Resume light walking after a few days. Walking promotes blood flow, which aids the healing process, but it shouldn’t be strenuous.
  • Wait 10-14 days before engaging in strenuous activity. Any heavy physical activity like lifting weights, running, or intense workouts should be avoided in the first two weeks to protect your scalp.


  • Avoid running, gym workouts, or physical strain. Engaging in these activities too early can lead to complications like bleeding or damaging the grafts.
  • Don’t bend over excessively. This can increase pressure on the scalp and may cause bleeding or displacement of the grafts.

Sun Exposure and Environmental Factors

The environment plays a key role in the healing process, so it’s necessary to be cautious about how you expose your scalp post-surgery.


  • Wear a loose-fitting hat if you need to go outside. This protects your scalp from dust, sun, and pollution.
  • Use sun protection after the first week. If you must go out in the sun, ensure your scalp is well covered with sun protection to prevent damage.


  • Avoid direct sun exposure for at least a month. UV rays can damage the healing scalp and hinder the recovery process.
  • Don’t visit steam rooms, or saunas, or expose yourself to dusty environments. These can irritate the scalp and slow down healing.

Diet and Hydration

What you eat and drink after your transplant can directly impact how well and quickly your scalp heals.


  • Maintain a balanced diet rich in vitamins. Foods rich in vitamins, especially Vitamin C and E, will help promote healing and hair growth.
  • Stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of water keeps your body and scalp hydrated, which is essential for recovery.


  • Avoid salty or spicy foods. These can cause water retention and contribute to swelling.
  • Don’t skip meals or reduce water intake. Proper nourishment and hydration are vital for a quick recovery and healthy hair growth.

What To Expect in the First Few Weeks

It’s important to manage your expectations after a hair transplant surgery, especially during the first few weeks. This period can be unsettling, but understanding what’s normal can ease the process.

Shock loss

During the first few weeks, many people experience what is called “shock loss.” This is when some of the transplanted hair starts shedding. While this may seem alarming, it is actually part of the process. Don’t worry; new hair will grow back soon.


  • Keep calm and trust the process. Hair growth takes time, and it’s important to remain patient.
  • Attend follow-up consultations. Your doctor will monitor your progress and provide further advice on how to care for your scalp.


  • Don’t panic if you see hair shedding. This is completely normal and part of the recovery process.
  • Avoid using hair styling products. Gels, sprays, and other products should be avoided for at least a month, as they can irritate the scalp.

Long-Term Care for Better Results

After the initial recovery period, you’ll need to keep taking care of your scalp and hair for long-term success.


  • Continue using doctor-prescribed shampoos and medications. These will keep your hair and scalp healthy in the long run.
  • Consider scalp massages. After the initial healing phase, regular scalp massages can stimulate blood flow, promoting better hair growth.


  • Don’t go back to smoking or drinking excessively. These habits can hinder hair growth and slow the results.
  • Avoid using heat tools on high heat. Using straighteners or blow dryers on high settings can damage the new hair follicles.


Following the right care after hair transplant surgery is essential for the best results. By being patient and consistent with your routine, you can maximize the benefits of your procedure. If you have any questions or need further advice, Dr. Shivam’s Hair Clinic is here to help. Proper care ensures lasting success for your new hair growth.

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