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FUT Hair Transplant in Jaipur

September 5, 2024

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A hair transplant has now become a hope to many who dream of a full head of hair. It is said to be one of the most effective hair restoration options and the permanent option for those who suffer from hair thinning and baldness. Dr Shivam’s Hair Transplant Clinic in Jaipur is known for providing the best hair transplants in Jaipur at affordable prices.

FUT hair transplant – An overview

Follicular Unit Transplant is a popular hair restoration surgical procedure that takes less time and has a fast recovery. It is a permanent solution for individuals who suffer from hair loss or hair thinning and offers them the lifelong results they dream of. The technique extracts healthy hair follicles from the donor area that is a part of your body and implants them into the area on the scalp with sparse balding or thinning. Two hair transplant techniques are used: FUT and FUE. FUE is the most popular technique; many choose it for perfect hair restoration. FUT hair transplant is done to treat the most extreme cases of hair loss. It is done by taking a long strip of donor hair, separating it into smaller follicles, and then implantation these into the affected area. FUT is a long-standing technique in hair transplant surgery, also known as strip harvesting. It is the perfect option for those who experience conditions like male pattern baldness and androgenetic alopecia. The FUT surgical process involves making a small incision to extract a long strip of hair follicles from the donor site, i.e., from the back of the scalp. Then, the donor hairs of this strip are placed under a microscope and separated into small groups of individual hair grafts, which are implanted into the bald or hair-thinning area. This hair transplantation procedure is done by an experienced surgeon at Dr Shivam’s Clinic under local anesthetic and thus involves no pain. 

Who should get a FUT hair transplant, and what are its long-term benefits? 

Hair loss is a widespread issue for people of all genders, and many manifest in their early 20s and 30s. The signs of a common male pattern baldness can be seen at an early age, as well as receding hairline and thinning on top of the head. This condition is hereditary, and one more cause can be an overproduction of testosterone. FUT surgery is the perfect way to combat the most severe forms of hair loss, and it helps you feel more confident. While you seek a hair transplant at affordable rates, it is vital for you also to analyze the long-term benefits and value that the procedure offers : 

  • It helps to regain self-esteem and confidence. 
  • It is a permanent solution that can help you to combat hair loss. 
  • The cost may seem higher, but the valuable investment in your appearance can positively impact your personal and professional life. 

The best part is that hair transplant surgery in Jaipur has a very high success rate, as most patients receive a natural-looking and enduring outcome. Undoubtedly, a well-executed hair transplant surgery by an experienced surgeon like Dr Shivam has satisfactory results of around 95 percent. After the procedure, patients are fully satisfied with the improved hair density and heightened confidence, which makes it the trusted solution for long-term hair restorations. 

How much is the cost of Follicular Unit Transplantation surgery? 

FUT is said to be the oldest hair transplant technique and is mostly used to cover a larger area. It is a semi-invasive surgical procedure in which a surgeon uses sutures to close the wound, leaving a linear scar behind. The hair transplant cost in Jaipur can be somewhere between INR 40 to INR 120 per graft, as the price varies and depends upon several factors. Numerous factors have a great impact on the overall cost of hair transplant surgery : 

  • The degree of hair loss of the patient affects the price, as the larger the hair loss, the more grafts will be used, leading to higher expenses. 
  • The number of follicles or grafts transplanted influences the cost of the surgery. The hair transplant cost is determined according to the number of follicles implanted. 
  • The cost of a hair transplant depends on the technique used, as FUE is a costlier technique than FUT.
  • The location of the donor area also influences the cost factor; generally, the follicles are extracted from the back of the scalp. However, if scalp hair density is inappropriate, these can also be taken from other body parts. 
  • The cost also depends upon the surgeon’s experience and reputation. Surgeons with many years of experience charge more and ensure natural-looking results.
  • The extent and quality of the pre-and post-surgery care provided by the clinic also influence the cost. Comprehensive care and follow-up guidance are reflected in the high cost. 

The traditional FUT hair transplant technique uses small tissue strips extracted from a donor area and then implanted in the bald or hair-thinning area. As compared to FUE, FUT is affordable. However, these tickets in this procedure need longer to heal, which increases the recovery time. Also, the pain of stitches during the healing period can be higher. 

Why choose Dr Shivam’s Hair transplant clinic in Jaipur? 

Hair loss affects one’s confidence and self-esteem, and if you seek to regain your confidence with a change in your appearance, visit DR Shivam’s Hair Transplant clinic in Jaipur. Here, the expert surgeon, Dr Shvam, understands how tough it is to deal with this hair loss and is there to help you with personalized and best hair transplants in Jaipur. The clinic is known for its amazing results and satisfaction to people. The skilled surgeon and the team of experts use the latest technology and advanced methods to offer the best hair transplant with natural-looking and long-lasting results. 


Overall, hair transplant surgery is now accessible and affordable in Jaipur. The main aim of hair transplants in Jaipur is to satisfy patients by offering natural and permanent solutions and contributing to a fuller and more confident appearance. Before you decide, it is necessary for you to understand the cost factors and to calculate your budget. Book your consultation at Dr Shivam’s Hair Transplant clinic in Jaipur to learn all about hair transplants, their benefits, and financial options to help you make better decisions. Consider the expertise of Dr Shivam in Jaipur, known for delivering outstanding results. With his dedicated team, he offers personalized guidance based on the patient’s unique needs and provides permanent, natural-looking results.

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Monday to Saturday : 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Sunday : 9:30 AM to 6:30 PM

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